בַּיִת > יצרן תנור חימום HD

יצרן תנור חימום HD

HD heater Hd heater Stainless Steel Cartridge Heater Heating Element For Injection Molding Machine

פרטי המוצר:

יצרן תנור חימום HD

The cartridge heater is a versatile and durable product used to heat a wide range of processes from heavy industryplastics and packagingto critical care medical equipment and analytical testing instruments, to aircraft, trains and trucks.
The cartridge heater can operate at temperatures up to 750 ° c and achieve a watt density of up to 30 watts per square centimeter.
Available from stock or custom manufactured to your personal application needs, they come in many different imperial and metric diameters and lengths with many different style terminals, wattage and rated voltages.
In the plastics industry, box heaters are a good solution for injection, blow, and extrusion molding.
High temperature resistance (up to 1500 f) and vibration resistance.

The cartridge heater is inserted into the mold to heat a large area of the surface.
Aluminum and steel molds are common because they are cheap and provide fast heat distribution.

Box heater has high precision.
They are usually used to seal plastic bags.
Accurate heating is necessary because the temperature must be high enough to seal the bag, but not high enough to melt the plastic.

Tips for Cartridge Heaters How to Prolong Life Time:
1. Do not exceed recommended maximum watt density specified for
the cartridge heater size.
2. The tubular heater sheath must fit properly into the machined hole. A tight fit
is critical.
3. Protect the tubular heater from contaminants such as oil, grease, and vapors.
4. Install adequate Kw to accomplish work load and make up for heat losses.

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גוף חימום סיליקון מותאם אישית
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+86 15521310300

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